Dr. Safwan Latheef
General practitioner
General practitioner
Languages spoken
English, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam
8 years
Areas of interest
Dr. Safwan Latheef, One of the Best General Practitioner with almost 8 years of clinical experience in multi-specialty hospitals & Clinics.
Clinical expertise and area of interest
- Effectively managing patients with chronic diseases and help them to prevent complications
- Attending every OP & Emergency cases with utmost care
- Ensure wellness of my every single patient with better doctor-patient relationship
- Managing all OP cases regardless of Age and Sex
- Referral of complicated cases to hospitals as emergencies according to provisional diagnosis
- Surgical management of Minor procedures in emergency department
- Handling procedure like Suturing wounds, I&D of abscesses etc
- Treating all common general health problems
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)